MILK The Right Nutritions


Welcome To Sabar Dairy

We are a district level Milk Processing Industry registered under Gujarat State Co-operative Societies Act, 1964. We are known as the Sabarkantha District Co-operative Milk Producers’ Union Limited (Sabar Dairy), Himatnagar. The farmers own the Dairy, their elected representatives manage the Village Societies and the District Union. They employ professionals to operate the dairy and manage its business. We aim to provide remunerative returns to the milk producers and serve the interest of Indian consumers by providing quality milk products through our Federation – M/s Gujarat Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation Limited. We are ISO 22000:2018, FSSC V 6.0 and ISO 9001:2015 certified Organization.

Chairman's Message

Welcome To Sabar Dairy

White Revolution started from Gujarat, today has become not only an alternative business for rural families all over India but also a powerful vehicle for social, economic and educational development in rural life which is being applauded by the world today.

About Us

Sabarkantha District Co-operative Milk Producers’ Union Ltd (Sabar Dairy)

An Overview

The Sabarkantha District Co-operative Milk Producers’ Union Ltd was established in the year 1964 by collecting raw milk from 19 primary co-operative milk societies and supplying it unprocessed to Ahmedabad Municipal Dairy. Municipal Dairy being a consumer oriented dairy it could not accept more quantity of milk during flush season and this had forced the Union to rotationally stop the milk collection from societies during flush season. The milk union could not expand its activities for the first seven years due to inadequate financial resources. In the year 1971 under Operation Flood-I Programme me of Indian Dairy Corporation (a Government of India undertaking) a dairy project was sanctioned for handling 1.50 lakh liters of milk per day. The total cost of the dairy plant was Rs.2.52 crore, which was received from the erstwhile Indian Dairy Corporation through the Government of Gujarat.

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Board of Directors


Sabarswet sandesh Dec 2023

Sabarswet sandesh Dec 2023

સાબરશ્વેત સંદેશ

પ્રાકૃતિક કૃષિ પરિસંવાદ આચાર્ય દેવવ્રત માનનીય રાજ્યપાલશ્રી, ગુજરાત આયોજક – સાબરડેરી હિંમતનગર

પ્રાકૃતિક કૃષિ પરિસંવાદ આચાર્ય દેવવ્રત માનનીય રાજ્યપાલશ્રી, ગુજરાત આયોજક – સાબરડેરી હિંમતનગર

પ્રાકૃતિક કૃષિ પરિસંવાદ આચાર્ય દેવવ્રત માનનીય રાજ્યપાલશ્રી, ગુજરાત આયોજક – સાબરડેરી...

સાબરડેરીના ચેરમેન શ્રી શામળભાઈ બી. પટેલ ની GCMMF (AMUL) ના ચેરમેન પદે સતત બીજી વાર નિમણૂક

સાબરડેરીના ચેરમેન શ્રી શામળભાઈ બી. પટેલ ની GCMMF (AMUL) ના ચેરમેન પદે સતત બીજી વાર નિમણૂક

ગુજરાત કો ઓપરેટિવ મીલ્ક માર્કેટિંગ ફેડરેશન “અમુલ”ના નિયામક મંડળની આજે મળેલ મિટિંગમાં ચેરમેન રૂપે...

Featured Punjabi Kulfi

The Only Punjabi Kulfi You Will Ever Taste

Amul describes The Taste of India and we take care of every Indian. So we are Introduced new Panjabi Kulfi for better Taste, Good price and better ingridients. This is Made with Rich Milk, Elachi, Dry Fruits and Flavors
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