We are a Milk Producers’ Co-operative Union working for the socio-economic upliftment of milk producers of Sabarkantha & Aravalli district of Gujarat in India. It is the largest industry in Sabarkantha. It instills the self-confidence and self-respect to the rural milk producers. It is the lifeline of Sabarkantha & Aravalli district. It packs pure milk and produces milk products under the brand Amul. It is one of the largest milk producers’ co-operative unions in India. It aims to provide remunerative returns to the farmers (milk producers) and serve the interest of consumers by providing quality milk products throughout India and abroad by a network of dealers through its Federation, M/s Gujarat Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation Limited, headquartered at Anand. Sabar Union procures milk from its 1780 member co-operative societies twice a day round the year. It packs liquid milk and produces almost all types of milk products. The major products it produces include Butter, Infant milk powder, dairy whitener, Ghee, Paneer, Curd (Dahi) & Buttermilk etc. all under Amul brand. It operates as a three-tiered structure starting from Village Milk Cooperative Society-District Milk Producers’ Union-Federation of District Unions at the State level.
The Union is managed by the elected representatives from its affiliated village milk producers’ co-operative societies as well as nominated members from Govt.,GCMMF,NDDB and SAKO Bank as per the Gujarat Co-operative Societies Act, 1964.