Cattle feed Manufacturing Plant
To feed the balanced cattle feed to the animals (cow & buffaloes) a cattle feed manufacturing plant of 100 metric ton per day capacity was established under Operation Flood III programme of the Indian Dairy Corporation through the Government of Gujarat. The plant was commissioned in September, 1976. With the increase in demand for balanced cattle feed the processing capacity of the plant was periodically expanded. Presently the manufacturing capacity of the plant is 1250 metric ton per day. Still the expansion activities are underway and when the expansion is complete the plant would have the processing capacity of 2050 metric ton per day cattle feed.
Animal Husbandry Activities
The Union has established a network of animal health care centers covering the entire district, where qualified veterinarians are posted with emergency visits and vehicles to attend the sick animals. The centers work round the clock. In case of emergency visits a token fee is charged and the medicine is supplied at purchase cost.
Under the infertility management policy / elimination of infertile animal policy those animals at member producers’ house fail to conceive after frequent treatments, are taken to Union’s AH complex. These animals are kept under continuous observation and treated accordingly by our expert veterinarians, till they get conceived.
Orientation Programme
To bring the young and enthusiastic milk producers to the main stream of animal husbandry activities we have imparted scientific method of orientation programmes to the enthusiastic milk producers. We have conducted the programmes through expert professionals. A two day programme was conducted for this on 15th & 16th of April, 2010. Over 80 milk producers were trained on Clean Milk Production, Operation of Bulk Milk Cooling Machines and better way of managing the societies.
The members were also trained on the need for better way of milk procurement activities, quality milk production, the effect of global warming on animals and its after effect on milk production by animals, importance of tree plantation to resist the effect of global warming. A visual presentation has been conducted on all this in the auditorium on 14th June 2010, in which except the officials from the Union the officials from the district forest department were also participated.
Under the “Heat Synchronization Programme” of Rashtriya Krushi Vikas Yojana (RKVY) we have spent an amount of Rs. 25 lakh on 5181 animals (3748 cows & 1433 buffaloes) at 200 selected village milk cooperative societies in the district and I am optimistic that this would give an expected result.
Tagging Programme for Animal Identification
We are planning to introduce ear tagging programme for all the animals in our district for better identification of the animal. A pilot project is being implemented for this with the financial assistance from the National Dairy Development Board (NDDB) and the State Government. We will be issuing health cards to the owners of all the animals at a cost of Rs. 1 crore. I appeal all the members to get the benefit of this programme.
Mineral Mixture & By -PASS FAT
The milking animals drained out minerals form the body that affects milk production, disease resistance power, breeding efficiency and metabolism. The importance of mineral mixture and Bypass Fat in the feed has now been realized due to the best efforts of our extension programmes and through circulars. The mineral mixtures available in market are not affordable to our members, so as to overcome this, our union has started supplying mineral mixture and By-Pass Fat in the societies under no-profit-no-loss basis.
Fodder Development Programme
According to a survey, only 5% of total agricultural land is utilized for cultivation of green fodder. We, the milk producers give first priority to cash crop, second to cereal crop, third to legumes and finally for green fodder cultivation. By-products of cereals and legumes, which are used as fodder is lacking in its digestibility, taste and nutritive value, thus the animals remain weaker in production and breeding. As has been done in the last year the Union has planned to supply high quality green fodder seeds to our members. Accordingly, seeds certified by Central Government was purchased from renowned companies and supplied to the DCS on demand. During the year under review we have procured 6390 kgs of different varieties of seeds for distribution amongst the DCS.
Community Fodder Farm
Arrangements were made to get 29 Community Fodder Farms to grow green fodder in different parts of the district under different panchayats. These farms were taken on lease for cultivation of fodder by landless farmers on no-profit-no-loss basis.
Milk Products
Sabar Union produces and packs Amul Butter, Amul Ghee, Amul Paneer, Amul Masti Dahi, Amul Probiotic Dahi, Amul Shrikhand, Amul Kool, Amul Gold Milk, Amul Shakti Milk, Amul Buttermilk, Amulspray, Amulya & Amul Skimmed Milk Powder etc…
The production capacity of each product is as under:-
Name of Milk Product | Production Capacity per Day |
Amul Butter ( White Butter + Table Butter ) | 100 Metric Ton |
Amul Milk Powder, Amulspray, Amulya, Skin Milk Powder & Whole Milk Powder | 170 Metric Ton |
Amul Paneer | 15 Ton |
Amul Ghee / SAGAR Ghee | 30 Metric Ton |
Amul Masti Dahi | 70 Metric Ton |
Amul Shrikhand | 15 Metric Ton |
Amul Butter Milk | 2.5 Lakh litre per Day |
Amul Pouch Milk ( Gold, Shakti, Taaza, Tea Special, Buffalo, SNT, Sanjivani ) | 2.5 Lakh litre per Day |
Amul Khoa | 1 Metric Ton |
Amul UHT MILK | 3.5 Lakh Litre |
Amul Sour Cream | 1.0 Ton |
Amul Frozen Kheer | 2.0 Ton |
Upcoming Products
Future Planning For Below Products :
Name of Upcoming Milk Product | Production Capacity per Day |
Cheddar Cheese, Mozzarella Cheese | 30 Metric Ton |
Whey Powder / Skin Milk Powder | 45 Metric Ton |
Amul Peda / Amul Kajukatali | 1.5 Ton |
Amul Bread / Amul Cookies / Amul Toast | – |